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Grammarly premium

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What is Grammarly?

Job seekers, writers, and other professionals can use Grammarly as a writing assistant to proofread and edit their documents. It improves vocabulary usage and checks for spelling, grammatical, and punctuation issues.

Main Points

• Since its debut in 2009, Grammarly has been a popular online grammar checker.

• It supports a variety of writing styles, including academic, creative, and business writing.

• Grammarly can identify everything from awkward sentences to typos.

• Grammarly is available for free, but its paid edition is the only way to access all of its features.

How to Use Grammarly

Since 2009, Grammarly has been accessible.


It is a highly developed artificial intelligence (AI) system that has been continuously refined and enhanced over the years by linguists and engineers who created algorithms to recognise patterns in excellent writing.


Users of Grammarly can select editing suggestions based on six different writing styles: business, academic, informal, technical, creative, and general.


When errors are detected, the Grammarly AI algorithm analyses each sentence and looks for suitable replacements. The application is cloud-based. There is a web version and a version that works with Microsoft Word.

Based on the number of problems and errors it discovers, Grammarly assigns your document a final grade. Then, one by one, it guides you through a number of potential grammar issues. The system gives both a brief and detailed explanation for each problem it finds.

These explanations feature instances of proper grammar. The system occasionally offers specific language alternatives. But, Grammarly won't compel you to make any particular adjustments; it's up to you. If you disagree with the suggested adjustments, you have the option of ignoring potential issues.

The list of alternate spellings is provided together with a list of misspellings. A useful plagiarism detector can assist authors in locating any unintentionally plagiarised material. The system identifies texts that are comparable to the one in question and recommends citations that can be used to support it.

The usage of a synonym checker allows users to select optional phrasing and prevent duplication. Along with details on the type of error you've committed, Grammarly also offers reasons for any modifications that are advised.


In some circumstances, Grammarly might not comprehend what you are trying to say, but this can also help you write more clearly. If Grammarly can't understand it, then perhaps neither can your reader.

On the web version of Grammarly, users can paste a document into an editing box, choose the document's style, and then click "Start Review" to start the process.

Grammarly versions

Variations of Grammarly Depending on Usage

Grammarly offers a variety of programme versions with various capabilities at various price ranges.

Grammarly Premium: This individual user subscription offers plagiarism detection, tone, and spelling correction.


• Grammarly For Business: This subscription service, which is available to companies with teams of 3-149 people, offers extra functionality and administrative control.


• Grammarly for Education: With this version, secondary and postsecondary institutions can give their students full access to Grammarly.


Integration with Other Software

Microsoft Word and Outlook now have a spelling and grammar checker thanks to the Grammarly plug-in for Office. After downloading and installing the application, the Grammarly Wizard will appear when you click "Review" in Word. Choose the writing style you want Grammarly to employ by clicking "Check" first. For Firefox users, a browser add-on is also readily available.

Grammarly's benefits and drawbacks

There aren't many defects in Grammarly's software, not even according to the harshest critics. Although it offers excellent service, ultimately you get what you pay for.

• It is remarkably accurate.

• It supports iOS, Mac, and Windows devices.


• The free edition of Grammarly does not offer all of its features.

Pro's Presented

• The statement "This product can perform just about whatever you ask of it" is very correct.

• It supports iOS, Mac, and Windows devices: You are not constrained to a table or laptop. You can use it on the go with your phone to gauge your comfort level before sending SMS and emails.

Con Explanation

• The free edition of Grammarly does not include all of its features: If you want it to perform any significant lifting, you'll need to purchase a premium version.

How Much Must I Spend to Use Grammarly?

By simply copying and pasting text into a box on the website, you can test out Grammarly without cost, and installing it to Chrome is also free. If you want to test out all of Grammarly Business' capabilities before deciding whether to buy the product, there is also a seven-day free trial available. 6


Grammarly memberships are offered on a monthly or annual basis, however the price varies depending on the version you choose and how much use you get from it.

Here are the subscription costs for Grammarly as of August 2022:

Grammarly Premium costs $12 per month and up.


• Grammarly Business: Monthly rates begin at $25. Depending on the number of users, an annual subscription for your company may result in lower monthly fees. Three to nine users of Grammarly are charged $180 annually (an average of $15 per month), 10 to 49 users are charged $174 annually (an average of $14.50 per month), and 150 users are charged $150 annually (an average of $12.50 per month). 7

Questions and Answers (FAQs)

How can Grammarly be installed in Microsoft Word?

Grammarly provides a link to download its tools for Microsoft Word, so you may use them whether you have a Mac or a Windows machine. You can access the Grammarly website, use the provided link to download the software, and then follow the installation instructions. You will be able to view the Grammarly widget in Microsoft Word once the installation is finished. 8

What is the price of Grammarly?

Grammarly memberships are offered on a monthly or annual basis, however the price varies depending on the version you choose and how much use you get from it. Grammarly Business subscriptions start at $25 per month, while Grammarly Premium subscriptions start at $12 per month. 73

Tool Name.                Grammarly 
Type.                    Premium Account
Cookies Status.    🟢 Working 
Validity.                Depends
Price.                      Free


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