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Describe Moz.

You can investigate and keep an eye on site attributes using the well-liked all-in-one SEO tool called Moz. There are two ways to get the software: for free or as a full subscription.

Moz permits the examination of variables like:

• Incoming links

• domain linkage,

The domain's standing (DA),

pages with authority (PA),

• spam rating.

Possibilities of the Tool

The following information is provided by Moz, making it particularly helpful for planning and monitoring the link-building process: incoming links (the quantity of backlinks), discovered and lost connecting domains, and link profiles. Moz has a far larger (and always growing) link base than other SEO tools, totaling over 35.5 trillion. Moz also provides MozBar, a no-cost web browser add-on.

You can easily assess the effectiveness and potential of pages in the search results using the Moz tool. Results are displayed as a scale from 0 to 100. It is advised to use it for data comparison, particularly with respect to the characteristics offered by Ahrefs, another commonly used SEO tool.

a major player in the SEO sector. has through a great deal of ups and downs since its founding in 2004. Changes to some of the most crucial factors for the end customers, mainly the pricing, follow any company's natural progression.

This fantastic platform, created by the renowned Rand Fishkin and crew, has seen significant development over time, introducing cutting-edge capabilities to the fiercely competitive SEO market.

With numerous ups and downs along the way, it's reasonable to say that this business has fundamentally altered how we think about SEO.

In reality, Rand's own book Lost and Founder contains more information regarding the history of Moz (recommended read, by the way).

And it's safe to state that Moz is not the most expensive SEO tool available when discussing pricing right immediately.

There are huge enterprise software packages available that are far more expensive. Yet, that does not imply in any way that Moz is a cheap product.

Reviewer's source

It is safe to assume that other people are also interested in Moz Pro's subscription options.

Although if Moz is a widely used tool, its hefty cost should not be disregarded, especially by smaller organisations who cannot afford a reliable marketing tech stack.

I'll break down Moz's pricing structure here to clarify what's happening and why it could seem so pricey.

However, let's start off with a brief disclaimer. I became interested in Moz because our team is creating a simple Moz substitute. My reasoning is that even if you decide to use Moz as a result of reading this tutorial, I hope you will think of us as someone who offered assistance.

And to be completely transparent, we really use Moz's API to complement our Link Data. I'm not sure whether you've heard, but I can attest firsthand that it's fantastic. At first, we assumed it was only a viewpoint we had within the company, but recently, I've noticed more individuals online praising Moz's Link Data quality (over some competitors).

So let's take a closer look at how much Moz products cost.


How much is Moz?

Moz offers two major products that are distinct from one another, each with their own features and a separate price. The starting price for the all-purpose SEO tool Moz Pro is $99 per month. But, Moz Local is an online presence tool that supports local SEO, and it costs $129 to start using it. You can read more about our extensive research into the prices of Moz Pro and Moz Local, the company's two analytics solutions, below.

Monthly Moz Pro Plans:
The price of a Moz subscription each month is either:

Standard Plan: $99 per month.
Medium Plan: $149 per month.
$249 per month for the large plan.
$599 per month for the premium plan.
SEO Company: Bespoke Prices

Yearly Moz Pro Plans:
The annual fee for a Moz subscription is:

Typical Plan: $950 per Ann.
Plan B: $1,428 per Ann.
$2,390 / Ann for the Big Plan.
Plan Premium: $5,750 for Ann.
SEO Company: Bespoke Prices

Try Moz Pro Free
Like many software providers in today's market, Moz Pro offers a free trial. You must input your credit card while signing up in order to use their 30-day free trial.

You will immediately be enrolled in their Medium price plan, which costs $149 per month, if you join up for the free trial. It's vital to remember that other kinds of plans are not eligible for the free trial.

What you should know about the actual free trial is as follows:

You won't face any charges while you're in court.
Seven days prior to the conclusion of your trial, they give you a reminder.
As usual, you have the option to end your membership whenever you want.
In addition to the setup-related details, the trial itself contains:

30 days of full access to Moz Pro
an introduction to a Moz expert
24/7 assistance & support
access to Moz's exclusive Q&A section
Moz Premium
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